Full on, Rock on!!

on Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Guys i had a blast watching this movie,man. Its just fantastic and i found it more realistic. Gods which actor/producer will think of singing for his movie just for the reason that he is the rockstar in movie(who want to play with money or rather risk). But this guy Farhan has got balls(i am talking abt guts).

A small review-

There are four studs, very dedicated to music , like they want to live the music. They try, they win, but something wrong happens, the only reason is ignorance and personal ego and they just break up, leave their music craze like nothing has happened , and went on to live the life like us(bureaucrats). After nearly ten years (when they were all in 30s well they look too), they somehow meet again and again try and again win. That's all, a small review, but believe me its a powerful story, all guys have done a fantastic job.

Well done!!



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